Vigor Sectional Matrix Kit
It is designed for easily and quickly shaping and finisging posterior composite restorations in accordance with the anatomical structure.
The contents of a kit:
- Total 2 Ni-Ti Rings. (1 molar + 1 premolar)
- Total 75 wedges in 3 differentsizes, ( S,M,L)
- Total 120 matrixbands (30 of each 3.5 , 4.5, 5.5, 6.5 mm)
- 1 Forceps,
- 1Ttweezers
What are the advantages of dental sectional matrix ?
A dental sectional matrix is a device that;
- Helps to create a strong and anatomical contact area between adjacent teeth when placing a composite resin restoration in a Class II cavity1. Some of the advantages of using a dental sectional matrix are:
- It provides a predictable, tight and longer contact area that prevents food impaction, dental migration and decay
- It replicates the natural tooth anatomy and reduces the need for finishing.
- It adapts to the shape and size of the cavity and allows for better access and visibility1.
- It exerts an ideal separating force that facilitates the placement of the matrix and the restorative material without distortion.